So, what does upSpace do?

Common question we get: "So what does upSpace DO?"
Common answer: "We facilitate short term rental of space."
Better answer:
We provide an opportunity to enrich community. We ensure space is never a barrier for people who want to meet and connect.
By making it easier for people to find space for any event.
By making it easier for businesses to promote their space.
Most businesses have the opportunity to make extra cash flow and reach another customer market but do not have TIME or resources to market this opportunity, deal with incoming phone calls and requests, and worry about collecting payment. After all, they are running a BUSINESS. We do all this for them. Our platform is easy to use, and brings opportunities DIRECTLY to them.
For renters , our goal is to eliminate barriers around the difficulty of finding space. Never again will an event be cancelled due to inaccessibility. The community will be enriched through more opportunity for face to face interactions. Doing this will create happier, healthier, and less lonely communities.
And an added bonus? We save everyone TIME by bringing the information together in one consolidated space.
So, "what does upSpace DO?"
We provide a way for community to connect, for businesses to thrive, and for everyone to get back just a little more time.


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