One of the cool things about running a space sharing platform is seeing all of the different types of people that come to us in need of space.
These 3 Canadians are generating money outside of their 9 to 5 jobs by monetizing their passions.
1. Fred the Fencer
Fred works at the Government of Ontario in tech. In his spare time he enjoys amateur fencing and organizes weekly meet ups to teach people skills and drills of this under appreciated sport! Luckily for him one of our Hosts owns and operates a dance studio that sits empty on Thursday nights which Fred is able to book for his fencing classes. A win-win!
2. Darren the Dancer
Darren is a full time chemical engineer, who also has a passion for salsa. His weekly dance parties are a great way to meet new people and brush up on some dancing skills. His classes change locations month to month, so having a few options of spaces around the city for him to book has saved him time in searching for space!
3. Mary the Music Instructor
Mary is a full time teacher with a passion for the violin. On Wednesday nights you can find her teaching back to back classes, once for kids and once for adults, on the basics of violin. Not exactly a quiet activity, we're happy that a local curling club had un-used banquet space that she could book each week with no worries about noise complaints!
We're thrilled to be able to enable these Canadians with their side passions by ensuring that access to space isn't a barrier to their events.
Who do you know that needs a space for their side hustle?